Here are some important things you should know in case of a major school-wide emergency:
- If the buildings are evacuated, there will be no one in the office to answer phone calls and the phones may not be working.
- If the campus has been "locked down", please try to limit calling the school. We will keep you informed using ConnectED phone messages and our website.
- Students will only be released to adults that are listed on their emergency card.
- School staff will stay with students until all students have been released to their guardians.
When coming to school to pick up a child after an emergency, you should be aware of the following:
- School staff is required to stay with your child until you arrive to pick them up.
- No students will be released until every child can be accounted for.
- Parents must first go to the "Request Gate" located on Riverside Drive near the main gate entrance, to inform school staff that they wish to pick up their child. Be prepared to complete the following procedures at the Request Gate:
3a. Complete Emergency Leave Form provided by RDCS staff.
3b. Have identification ready for verification by RDCS staff.
3c. After verification of identification has been completed, take the yellow and pink copies of the Emergency Leave Form to the Reunion Gate.
- Parents must then proceed to the "Reunion Gate" located on Ethel Street to receive their child. Students will only be released to individuals listed on the emergency cards with photo ID. Be prepared to complete the following procedures at the Reunion Gate.
4a. Present the Emergency Leave Form you received at the Request Gate.
4b. Have photo identification ready for verification by RDCS staff.
4c. RDCS staff will locate your student and bring him/her to this gate.
4d. Sign the Emergency Leave Form verifying you have received your student.
- Students will only be released to individuals listed on the emergency cards with photo ID. (This procedure is in place to ensure a safe and orderly process for matching students with guardians. During a major emergency, everyone will be feeling anxious and we want to avoid panic.)
- In case of an earthquake, students are evacuated out to the playground during emergencies. In the event this area is unsafe, staff and students will move to our off campus backup location at Millikan Middle School Affiliated Charter and Performing Arts Magnet 5041 Sunnyslope Avenue Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
All LAUSD schools work diligently to make sure that students and staff are prepared for emergencies. Every school has an Integrated Safe School Plan which is updated annually to meet the school's changing needs. A copy of the Integrated Safe School Plan in kept in the Main Office. Every school conducts regular emergency drills that meet or exceed the state mandated requirements and accommodate persons with disabilities, such as:
- Fire Drill – Every elementary and middle school practices this procedure once a month; high schools do it once each semester.
- Earthquake Drill – Once a year, all schools conduct a full-scale earthquake exercise as part of the Great California Shake-Out. The drills are scheduled in the fall and all the elements of the school‘s disaster plan are practiced Districtwide.
- Lockdown Drill – At least once a year, schools practice how they will respond to a threat on or near the campus.
- Shelter-in-Place Drill – At least once a year, schools practice how they will respond to an environmental hazard on or near the campus.
- Drop, Cover, and Hold On Drill – Every month, schools use this drill to remind students how to protect themselves during an earthquake.
- Take Cover Drill – At least once a year, students practice how they would respond to gunfire or an explosion in the neighborhood.
Parents are asked to make sure that their students actively participate and take emergency drills seriously. These drills help make public schools the safest place for students during an emergency. Each school also stocks emergency supplies to sustain students and staff. These supplies include the following: water, food, first aid supplies, search and rescue supplies, and sanitation items. These supplies are checked regularly by school staff and inspected by Office of Environmental Health and Safety inspectors.
Please show your child the safest way to and from school and remind your child of these safety tips:
Walk directly to school and home
Walk on the sidewalk
Look both ways before crossing the street
Cross streets only at the corner and only when the light is green
Use the cross walk and wait for traffic to stop before stepping off the curb
Do not go with or acknowledge any person you do not know
Do not go to the park or anyone’s home without parent permission
If you drive your children to and from school, please observe the traffic and parking signs posted on the street around and near the school. Children should step out of the car only on the school side of the street. If you must stop on the opposite side of the school, please walk your child across the street only using the designated crossing areas. For the safety of all, please do not double park and slow down. The parking lot is for school staff parking only. Please do not allow your child to walk through the parking lot. Never permit your child to run between cars. Drop-off/pick-up is not permitted in the red zones and there are no U turns in front of the school. Your cooperation is essential for the safety of our children. If you have any traffic and safety concerns, please stop by the main office regarding your concerns and request assistance.
Children may ride bikes to school starting in the 3rd grade. Helmets are mandatory! Bikes are to be walked on campus and locked. Bike riding, tricycles, skateboards, roller blades/skates, shoes with wheels, scooters and motorized items are not allowed on school grounds at any time. To learn more about bicycle safety please click here. Bike permits must be on file and are available in the office.