Attendance Policy
Attendance Counts!
Regular attendance is essential for your child's success! LAUSD expects all students to maintain a 96% or better attendance rate (missing fewer than 7 days in one school year).
Benefits of regular attendance:
Benefits of regular attendance:
- Higher academic achievement
- Use more academic language
- Develop healthy habits for the future
- Demonstrate reliability and confidence
- Make and keep connections with others
Please plan your vacations during school vacation's winter break, spring break, and summer vacation.
If your child is absent for three days without a valid excuse, they are truant, and you will receive a truancy letter from the district.
If your children are tired, they must come to school. If your children are ill with a fever or is vomiting, please keep them home.
School begins at 8:01 am. If your child is not in line by 8:01 a.m., he/she will be considered tardy. If your child is tardy for 30 minutes or more for three days without a valid excuse, your child will be considered truant.
School begins at 8:01 am. If your child is not in line by 8:01 a.m., he/she will be considered tardy. If your child is tardy for 30 minutes or more for three days without a valid excuse, your child will be considered truant.
Attendance Incentive
Each month students can earn an Attendance Brag Tag if they:
Come to school on time!
Come every day!
Stay the entire day!
Please download the Attendance Counts flyer below to learn more about this incentive!
LAUSD School Attendance Pamphlet
Please download the School Attendance pamphlet by clicking here.